Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Holidays in 2017

This is sort of a diary for me so please bare with me when I may bore you.

My holidays were filled with a step-kid going into Urea Cycle coma just because she was lying about taking her pills. 3 days at Midland Memorial Hospital trying to educate them on the disease and telling them what to do while they refused to do it and her ammonia levels continued to rise. I had to reach out Fort Worth Texas Cooks Hospital metabolic center as well as Houston just to get these "God Complex" having doctors to listen! I was right. She needed high doses of L-Argenine in order to bring the levels down. Well instead they flew her to Fort Worth Texas where they did exactly what I said and she was home immediately. WTF?

Below are some of the contacts i had to make while this kid was in a freaking coma.
My step-daughter has ASA and has been hospitalized and is being transferred to Lubbock for ICU. Her ammonia levels are high. She is lethargic could not walk, eyes bugged out, and has not been able to speak. Midland Memorial is saying they do not know what to do and we need help. Please contact us.
She stopped taking her l-Argentine and we do not know how many days she has skipped. She also had strep throat and was given a steroid and peninsula on Monday December 4th. She woke up lethargic on 12.16.17. 

Crystal L. Featherstone
Studying MS in Psychology Counseling
Dear Ms Fearherstone,
I had contacted our Metabolic team at Texas Children's Hospital to call back abd talk to you. I know they called you back and that you guys have spoken. I am not on call and thus had directed your enquiries to them.

I wish your family the best and a speedy recovery for your child.

Sandesh Nagamani

I thank you Dr. Glinton for your call. I missed the next call. Kamea is getting admitted tonight and i have her taking the L-Arg.. orally by swallowing so the tube has been removed. (She removed it). 
Ok well she got a bed once I proved 4 hours in that it was working. her score of 59 went up like you thought to 79 before the treatment was started. Her levels were going to rise. I will request they check again in the morning after a full 8 hours of therapy with glucose/L-Arg...
Crystal L. Featherstone
Studying MS in Psychology Counseling


This was pure hell. But the doctors came through and i am thankful for my education. For it is why she is alive today. I was able to assess the situation based on the courses I have taken due to Urea Cycle disorder ASA. All I can say is please stay educated and do ot let anyone stop you, belittle you, or call you out for past mistakes in your life. When they hold on to that it is because they have not grown as a human and have become stagnant in their own lives. It is not your problem. Handle things in your life like a Boss and remember you are the owner of you!

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