Monday, February 26, 2018

Sexual Dysfunction Disorders...

Do you feel that a client with a sexual dysfunction disorder would respond to therapy differently than a person with a paraphilic disorder? What are unique issues related to treating each disorder?

The short answer is yes…Sexual dysfunctions include delayed ejaculation, erectile disorder, female orgasmic disorder, female sexual interest/arousal disorder, Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, premature (early) ejaculation, substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction, another specified sexual dysfunction, and unspecified sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunctions are a heterogeneous group of disorders that are typically characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in a person’s ability to respond sexually or to experience sexual pleasure. An individual may have several sexual dysfunctions at the same time. In such cases, all of the dysfunctions should be diagnosed. These are not the same desires in Paraphilia cases. This therapy can be done and if right can help in most of these causes. Medical attention also used in this type of help because if a person has endometriosis this can be handled through a Gynecologist.
 If a paraphilia causes distress or impairment to the individual or if its satisfaction entails personal harm (or the risk of such harm) to others, it is considered a paraphilic disorder. This criminal behavior at times and has to be treated with therapy and legal means. People with paraphilic disorders may be difficult to interview because of guilt and reluctance to share information openly with the interviewer. It is essential to establish rapport with these patients to allow them to talk more freely about their disorder. In other words, they will feel more embraced by their behavior then a person with a sexual disorder because of the acts they commit to get off. (Sorry for being so blunt).


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Fiction of a couple in counseling - pure fiction- rough draft

A Case Study
Crystal L. Featherstone
Grand Canyon University: PCN-530
February 21, 2018

            This is a case study of two people experiencing the effects of becoming a romantic couple in a world they had to fight to even be recognized in as a couple. The actions of our leaders and people in general have caused negative issues to arise. When infidelity is introduced the couple experiences stages of resentment, anger, jealousy, and a host of other negative emotions. The issues are vast in ranging on if this couple will survive. The characteristics of the romantic relationship are similar to those of heterosexual couples if not the same. The outside influences are different in only one way. The way our society views them and if this is an aspect in their relationship. This is a fictional case.
Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy: The Case Study
Winnie and Jessica have been together since highs school, e.g. 20 years. They have adopted two children, and recently since laws changed in California were married. According to "California Same Sex Marriage and Domestic Partnership Laws" (2017), the Supreme Court's decision in the DOMA case immediately provides full federal benefits to same-sex couples in the 12 states that have legalized gay marriage, and would apply in California with Proposition 8 overturned,” (Supreme Court Ruling: Hollingsworth v. Perry). This has an impact on the couple because of the past 20 years of hiding prior to this ruling. It seems that Winnie decided that because she could be open about her sexuality she took it o another level and seemed a relationship outside the couple’s relationship. Jessica found out through social media. Jessica also says that although Winnie is a loving mother, she rarely has any time to do things for the children. The partners are abrupt and irritable with each other and rarely discuss what is happening between them on a personal level.
Looking into their background we see the issues that have slowly raised in this union. The children have no issues with their home, yet Jessica feels Winnie does not go to the school enough because of being embarrassed of their union. Winnie feels Jessica refuses to forgive her. Communication is completely breaking down and the stress of the betrayal seems to be an underlying factor. Both express how 20 years ago they were so in love and excited that no one knew about them. Both express how they are willing to work on this relationship for the sake of the children and do not want them to live in a broken home. Both express their frustration with the way the children are disciplined, e.g. they do not agree on parenting. Jessica feels Winnie is too vacant and absent in discipline and Winnie feels Jessica is to strict and controlling.
“Nearly 70% of same-sex couples were meeting online (Rosenfeld & Thomas, 2012 as cited in Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus, 2018 p. 243). The characteristics of a romantic relationship include the following:
·         Honesty- what underlying issues are stopping the other from doing what the other expects in terms with the children
·         Accountability Winnie needs to accept what she did and show Jessica that she is sorry, and she will work on the issues that are from the fall-out of infidelity
·         Being able to communicate efficiently- No more blaming each other and accepting each one’s roles in the relationship
·         The need to negotiate and compromise- The disciplining of the children can be worked out with compromise and negotiation
·         Both pulling their weight financially unless otherwise discussed and agreed on
·         Respect and shared power- It is helpful to note that others may see things differently, so communication is key and experimenting with actions in the home with children is a good thing. Agree to disagree yet remember parents need to be a united front.
·         Intimacy- Get back to loving each other. Let the pain go and work on what was initially there when they first were open and honest with each other.
·         Support- Remember the world is hard and when coming home we need a haven. Work toward supporting our mates in this aspect.
These are the issues I would address with this couple in a slow manner to get them back on track. Also understanding the outside influences, they will encounter is an issue to communicate and realize they will face different challenges than other different sex-couples.


California Same Sex Marriage and Domestic Partnership Laws. (2017). Retrieved from
Halford, T. C., Owen, J., Duncan, B. L., Anker, M. G., & Sparks, J. A. (2016). Pre-therapy relationship adjustment, gender and the alliance in couple therapy. Journal Of Family Therapy, 38(1), 18-35. doi:10.1111/1467-6427.12035
Rathus, S., Nevid, J.S., & Fichner-Rathus, L. (2018). Human Sexuality in a Changing World (10th ed.). Retrieved from

Friday, February 9, 2018

Replying to Christy

Reply to Christy
Ok I want to tackle each one of your questions. Thank you for the reply.  Christy asked:
Do you think that the legalization of prostitution decreases the incidents of sex trafficking?
The short answer is yes. By regulating the sex world, we can decrease the criminal element as Germany did by 70%.  When a market is set free, e.g. prostitution then not only does the criminals take a hit but sexually transmitted disease also goes down.
Example: Prohibition, before this was passed the underground criminal gangsters flourished. Through the criminal experience gained and the political connections established in gambling and prostitution rackets in the early 1900s, gangsters had become well prepared for the exploitation of Prohibition, which was ratified as the 18th Constitutional Amendment in 1919. Illegalizing the production, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages - all of which were corollaries to the amendment - did not curb the desire of Chicagoans for liquor or beer. This great demand for and simultaneous illegalization of alcohol opened up a new illegal market for the gangster to develop and monopolize. As Al Capone put it, "All I do is to supply a public demand … somebody had to throw some liquor on that thirst. Why not me?"
This empire took a blow when legalization happened. Yet prostitutes still stayed illegal because most well-to-do wives were jealous of the fact their men visited them as we displayed in the famous movie, “gone With The Wind”.

Do you think that legalization increases the percentage of people who participate in the practice or only makes it safer for those who would already participate anyway?
I think the male sex drive for sex is what it is, and the industry would just become safer. The thrill or element of “fear of getting caught” would put a damper on some of the frequent visitors of prostitution. The element of fear has yet become examined in sexuality and I intend on studying it more closely. But many men like t have that anxiety while they engage in this behavior. In Nevada the brothels have put a damper on the Las Vegas street walkers, yet the escort services still flourish there. This partly due to police criminality by allowing some to stay in business for pay off’s. Legalizing it would stop a lot of corruption in our society and put money back in schools, hospitals, and charities, like feeding the homeless.
One more thought: I really dislike the degradation of women that are or have been prostitutes and the way these people use the bible to back up their hatred and disdain for these women.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Different Social and Cultural Views of Human Sexuality
Crystal L Featherstone
Grand Canyon University: PCN-530
January 31, 2018

            This subject of human sexuality has been a topic of conversation and not a topic of conversation throughout the time dating back to when no written word existed. When most of the population in history could not read pictures and statues were used to show what different cultures thought about human sexuality. Looking at how the Greeks in ancient times viewed human sexuality is a stark contrast to modern western culture views and directly against early Romans. Contemporary cultural perspectives on human sexuality has become a political staff to waive for politicians to win a seat in the political arena. Religion has been the biggest negative motivator when it comes to education on human sexuality and researchers of human sexuality has become the beacon of understanding human sexuality.
Historical Perspectives the Greeks/Romans
The Greeks had a rather different view when it came to what was appropriate sexually and how it was perceived. The roles played by women and children are somewhat shocking compared to todays sexual roles of the same people. Rich wealthy men of stature in the community would insert their penis between young boy’s thigh’s and pump them until they came. The boys were usually offered up by their parents. This was normal behavior for the ancient Greece and is depicted on ancient artwork from this era. “In Western culture, few sexual practices have met with such widespread censure as sexual activities with members of one’s own anatomic sex,” (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2018, p. 149).
The view or roles that women and boys played was to be dominated by their partner. Usually penetration only happened to those that were considered less than, and this meant the one penetrating was in a powerful position. Sex with either sex was seen in this light and widely accepted. “The passive partner, anyone who was penetrated, was typically of lower status: a boy,
a woman, a slave,” (Golden 2011 p. 395). Homosexuality was accepted yet lesbian acts as in Rome were not widely accepted. Women were still expected to behave one way while dominant rich men could do what they want sexually.
The Romans had a similar take on sexuality as the Greeks, yet they add a little more color to the picture. The old saying “When in Rome” was a lot more serious than how it is used today. There was equal standing with men and women when it came to sex. Women could be killed for cheating on their mate, e.g., a man. Men were free to have sex with other men, but they had to be the dominant one or he one inserting the penis not taking the penis. If two women were having sex it usually involved a man with penetration happening and this was all looked at as symbol of power. This means who ever is penetrating in all different sex acts is the one with power and kept his social standing in the community.
Women were nothing more than a baby making machine and supposed to be passive, a servant to the family and the man, and not to question her husband on anything including his cheating philandering ways. This was the way it was. These views and still be seen today in many countries including western society. When we examine the Emperors of Rome we find perverted men that did things that today they would be in jail for. Especially with the newly founded “Me Too” movement. Tiberius had anal sex in the law. Meaning, if you were found guilty of a crime your victim could chose anal penetration of you. (WOW). Women were to keep quiet, remain lady like and show very little of their body unless ordered to do otherwise, (Plant 2014). Contemporary cultural perspectives are changing daily in western society, yet people are still being killed today for being homosexual, bi-sexual, or having a gender identity issue.

                                 Contemporary Sexual Perspectives/ Gay Activism
       “Same-sex sexual activity has been outlawed or frowned upon in nearly every society for thousands of years,” (Ruthis, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus p. 158). There are many reasons for this but the main reasons are religiosity and non-education. The state of Texas still pushes to call homosexuality of any sort deviant sexual acts yet the Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 against this language and still most people in the bible belt still condemn these acts and feel free telling people about it by using bible scriptures such Leviticus in which it clearly states death to those who lye with the same sex. These people do not feel the need for education on how the human body evolves from the time of conception.
        Gay activism had to be turned into LGBT activism because many of the lesbians, and trans-gender people were being left out by the word “Gay”. To include the whole people was to include all that were not considered normal or heterosexual. Just as recently as 2011 President Bill Clinton made this ridiculous policy that as long as a person did not admit they were gay they could remain in the military and fight for their country. This was humiliating to many gay people. Think of how it would feel not to be able to tell a friend about the love of your life? Think of how you would have to hide the very soul and being that you are because it would end your career. These modern day hate laws are hurtful and led to many suicides in both young and older people. The act of making a law to govern sexuality is barbaric. President Obama came along and ended that ridiculous law citing that Americans will treat Americans with dignity and respect regardless of their sexual orientation. Sadly, the current administration seems to be turning the clock backwards on human sexuality with each stroke of his pen.
       The gender roles between women and men can rang from passive to aggressive and sometimes these roles in the relationships are reversed. Many times

 the term “Butch’ refers to a woman who is a more masculine sort and her mate maybe more feminine. The cultural perspective in America is becoming slowly more tolerant yet it seems that any kind of rhetoric, hate speeches, or religious talk starts flying around the old views come to surface and these men and women become targets of uneducated hate-filled people. It seems that when anything goes wrong in society the targets are either people color or of the LGBT community. Many times, both at the same time as we see today happening.
     From the ancient past to the modern cultures of today, it is easy to make the claim that not much has changed. Women are still second-hand citizens in much of the world today and even in America women are fighting to be treated as equals. Homosexuals are still being killed for being who they are. Social status of people still weighs over lower-income people when it comes to laws. Rich men are still buying sex-slaves, e.g., boys and girls, and getting away with it because of their socio-economic status. And as of recently leaders of political parties are outright racist and condemn people that are not considered White and it is socially accepted. This fears the country has stepped back in time and many people will suffer for it. The education system is so expensive that educating people on human sexuality has become a task; leaving fear to set in for those that do not understand. From fearing the unknown comes hate.

Golden, M. (2011). Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome - By Kirk Ormand. Historian, 73(2), 394-396. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6563.2011.00294_60.x
Michelle Fullerton, (2013) "Diversity and inclusion – LGBT inclusion means business", Strategic HR Review, Vol. 12 Issue: 3, pp.121-125,
Plant, I. (2014). WOMEN HISTORIANS OF ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME *. Ancient History, 41-44, 77-0_7. Retrieved from
Rathus, S.A., Nevid, j.s., & Fichner-Rathus, L. (2018). Human Sexuality in a Changing World (10th ed.). Retrieved from