Friday, February 9, 2018

Replying to Christy

Reply to Christy
Ok I want to tackle each one of your questions. Thank you for the reply.  Christy asked:
Do you think that the legalization of prostitution decreases the incidents of sex trafficking?
The short answer is yes. By regulating the sex world, we can decrease the criminal element as Germany did by 70%.  When a market is set free, e.g. prostitution then not only does the criminals take a hit but sexually transmitted disease also goes down.
Example: Prohibition, before this was passed the underground criminal gangsters flourished. Through the criminal experience gained and the political connections established in gambling and prostitution rackets in the early 1900s, gangsters had become well prepared for the exploitation of Prohibition, which was ratified as the 18th Constitutional Amendment in 1919. Illegalizing the production, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages - all of which were corollaries to the amendment - did not curb the desire of Chicagoans for liquor or beer. This great demand for and simultaneous illegalization of alcohol opened up a new illegal market for the gangster to develop and monopolize. As Al Capone put it, "All I do is to supply a public demand … somebody had to throw some liquor on that thirst. Why not me?"
This empire took a blow when legalization happened. Yet prostitutes still stayed illegal because most well-to-do wives were jealous of the fact their men visited them as we displayed in the famous movie, “gone With The Wind”.

Do you think that legalization increases the percentage of people who participate in the practice or only makes it safer for those who would already participate anyway?
I think the male sex drive for sex is what it is, and the industry would just become safer. The thrill or element of “fear of getting caught” would put a damper on some of the frequent visitors of prostitution. The element of fear has yet become examined in sexuality and I intend on studying it more closely. But many men like t have that anxiety while they engage in this behavior. In Nevada the brothels have put a damper on the Las Vegas street walkers, yet the escort services still flourish there. This partly due to police criminality by allowing some to stay in business for pay off’s. Legalizing it would stop a lot of corruption in our society and put money back in schools, hospitals, and charities, like feeding the homeless.
One more thought: I really dislike the degradation of women that are or have been prostitutes and the way these people use the bible to back up their hatred and disdain for these women.

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