Friday, December 15, 2017

I/O Psychology is a good thing


To: Dana C. Featherstone Owner
From: C. Featherstone Human Resource Director
CC: All company staff
Subject: Smoking on company property

Featherstone Industries is a smoke-free environment. This is important because of the danger smoking causes to both smoker’s and non-smokers. Smoke related illness are vast and please regard the information in the memo as the law in this company.

Smoke-free workplaces are essential to provide employees with a comfortable work environment which protects their health and decreases their risk of developing smoking related illnesses.
The messy truth of nicotine
More than 400,000 People in the US die each year from smoking related illnesses such as heart disease lung cancer and emphysema. Of those 400,000 deaths each year, nearly a quarter are victims of secondhand smoke, like babies dying due to SIDS, or nonsmokers dying of heart disease. According to the Surgeon General, there is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke.
Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable death and disease in the developed world and (name of organization) is committed to providing all our employees and patients with a healthy and safe environment. To address this important issue, Featherstone Industries will be smoke-free as of 12.06.2017. The entire workplace including outdoor lunch space, parking, and all hallways will be smoke-free always.
Employees that have issues with smoking and are attempting to quit please see the below outlets to aid in this courageous endeavor. Featherstone Industries is dedicated to the health of our employees and the safety of their long-term needs. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms may include:
Feeling irritable, angry, or anxious
Having trouble thinking
Craving tobacco products
Feeling hungrier than usual
The below information is to aid any employee wanting to quit. Please see Mrs. Featherstone in Human resources with any questions, or needs you may have.
This policy is a way of protecting all from the hazardous effects that emerge from smoking. This policy includes all the following
·         Gases, particles, or vapors released in the air.
·         Electronic devices used for smoking
·         Marijuana
·         Crack cocaine
·         Any device used to breathe in and emit gasses into the environment
·         Cigarettes
The U.S. Public Health Service has reported that the nicotine in tobacco has been shown to be a mood altering, psychoactive substance that is highly addictive and that smoking is the chief avoidable cause of death in our society.
Seeking help quitting smoking
·         800-784-8669 --800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) All states have quit lines with counselors who are trained specifically to help smokers quit. Call this number to connect directly to your state's quit line.
·         Video Link:
Sincerely, Human Resources Director C. Featherstone
1.      US Department of Health & Human Services. The Surgeon General, Executive Summary: A Report of The Health Consequences of Smoking- 50 years of progress, 2014

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